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Luxury Retail | March 30, 2025

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The Vivos Europa One - Luxury Retail

The Vivos Europa One Luxury Survival Bunkers

Being rich and famous may have a lot of perks, like the option of having the best seat in the house when the apocalypse comes. Robert Vicino, the CEO of Vivos, has came up with the Vivos Europa One, an underground complex which houses several survival bunkers that boast the same comforts and amenities of a luxury house.

Vivos Europa One is located in Germany, and was built with the super-elite rich people in mind. We are talking about a by-invitation-only five star set up, with each of the chosen families benefiting from 2,500 square feet of living space, highly fortified, capable of being divided into two floors.

Designers and architects may actually personalize these areas, to perfectly match the desire taste. That’s incredible, considering that the facility is able to handle any and all kinds of man-made disasters, as well as natural calamities like shock waves, earthquakes and tsunamis.

The entire complex spans over 21,108 square meters underground, with an extra 4,079 square meters of above-ground office space and warehouse buildings, as well as a train servicing depot.

From climate control with air filtration and cooling systems to redundant back-up systems, a water treatment plant, backup generators, a hospital area and restaurant areas, this is nothing more than an underground resort.

Imagine living it up within a small mansion complete with pools, theaters, gyms and so on, while the others die within a destructive cloud of radiation; sure, it sounds selfish, but on the plus side you won’t be dead. The complex offers the possibility to house several animals as well, an archive for artefacts and treasures, a DNA Vault, a Hall of Records and much more.

The Vivos Europa One is a luxurious underground complex, and since the company seems to be preparing for an inevitable apocalyptic situation, it might seem like a good idea to put your money where it matters.

By luxatic