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Luxury Retail | July 27, 2024

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Hermès & Luna Paiva - Luxury Retail

Hermès & Luna Paiva

Luna Paiva´s sculptures from Hermès’s windows display

The artist born in Paris and settled bought in Buenos Aires Luna Paiva was chosen by the second time by Hermès to realize the work of window dressing of ” The Maison ” in Paseo de Gracia, Barcelona.

The french brand bets for the avant-garde art in his windows display, a different way of showing his product.
The customers won’t be indifferent in front of these impressive windows display.

INSTORE has installed and transported these great size’s sculptures created in bronze reproducing different types of cactus.

The artist’s inspiration for this project her has come from the landscapes of Buenos Aires and also Barcelona. Luna Paiva has created a windows display where nature and city have been joined.


The installation of this windows display is part of “Nature in its essence” the topic of the year for Hermès’s windows display that are finishing with Christmas windows display in Madrid, Barcelona and Marbella actually.